Meal Plan for November 7-13

I have hesitated on sharing my meal plans in a public way because I don’t want to seem prescriptive OR give anyone the idea that I plan our meals perfectly! BUT, I have had request after request to share our meal plans or share what we eat, so I’m going to start posting our weekly meal plans! A few things to keep in mind: 1) I pay a lot of attention to my macros. That is not for everyone nor should it be! I like to know what and how I’m fueling myself because I am constantly moving and need sufficient fuel. 2) I also like to indulge- “conscious indulging” is what I like to call it. I think planning for indulgences is what helps me stay on track but also satisfy any cravings I have. Every person is different, though, and for you it might not be as important. 3) My serving sizes may not be the same for you. I am 4’10 3/4” so my body does not need quite as many calories to perform the functions of daily life because it doesn’t take a lot of energy to perform those functions. It’s a double-edged sword, though, because I also would never burn the same amount in a HIIT class as someone who is average sized- (a little PSA to never compare your caloric output to someone else’s. There are SO many factors to consider: your body’s efficiency, size, gender, hormones, etc.). I digress, let’s jump right into my favorite part of life: the FOOOOOD!

So, one thing you’ll notice is I won’t be using an oven or stovetop because we are still waiting on a range.


This might seem like a LOT of food for breakfast, but I generally eat before I teach a class and in between classes. I also like to add some greens (spinach/arugula) to bump up the nutrient density. The collagen goes into my coffee. Here’s my macro breakdown for breakfast. For my kids, they’ll usually have a mix of the yogurt + an egg bite or yogurt + half of a bagel:

Protein: 50g

Fat: 5.5g

Carbs: 40g


At some point during the week, I may also do leftovers for lunch, it depends on how I’m feeling. I tend to like to have fruit and veggies mixed/cut or salad made so that it’s an easy side. I also am fine with eating the same meal five times, I know most people aren’t! A big goal of mine, especially with lunch, is to make sure the rainbow is in there. Lots of colors = lots of nutrients (generally). This is super important to make a conscious decision about working in as the weather gets colder because we typically spend more time inside and miss out on nutrients like Vitamin D!

Macro Breakdown:

Protein: 53.7

Fat: 21.7

Carbs: 70.7 (this is usually when I’m feeling that afternoon slump and need these good carbs to give me energy!)


Remember that conscious indulging? That’s going to be the pot roast + mashed potatoes night for us! It’s not that either are “bad” (I truly hate labeling foods good and bad), but they aren’t as nutrient-dense as the others. For the crunchwrap and corn chowder, those will be served together and we will eat them for two nights. The gumbo will be another meal that can be eaten twice, but the pot roast will be served one night. So here’s the breakdown per night:

Chowder + Crunchwrap night:

Protein: 31.35g

Fat: 8.4g

Carbs: 28.3g

Gumbo night:

Protein: 49g

Fat: 12g

Carbs: 9g

Pot Roast Night

Protein: 36g

Fat: 34g

Carbs: 28g


Happy meal planning!


Meal Plan November 15-21


Reducing Postpartum Inflammation