Nutrition Coaching Updates

I am thrilled to announce TWO different 12-week nutrition programs I’m offering this winter/spring. Here’s what they will entail:

  • weekly one-on-one goal-setting with your coach (ME)

  • habit-forming routines to make lifestyle changes

  • weekly lunchtime lives (that will be recorded) to discuss the weekly theme and foster accountability

  • weekly themes and challenges to make each program more attainable and build lifelong habits

  • Group accountability for recipe shares, sweaty selfies, high-fives, and encouragement

  • Grocery store meetups 

Here’s the snapshot of the differences of each:

Nutrition for Newbies is for the mama/human who is trying to get back to the basics, unpack habits, and make lifestyle changes. This is for someone who has maybe tried every trendy diet out there and is ready to chip away at what they really want and WHY. We will learn the foundations of nutrient-dense eating and make changes that are effective and lasting. This is not a quick fix or instant gratification type of program. Habit forming takes time and in order to create new and lasting habits, we need to unpack older, possibly unhealthy, habits first. 

Mastering Macros is for the mama/human who has a good foundation of healthy eating. This is someone who generally eats a minimally-processed diet and understand the basics of nutrition. We will hone in on macros specific to each person and their lifestyle and create goals based on those macros. There will be a screening process to be a part of this group in the consultation (I want to make sure you are ready for this in-depth and intensive program)

What these programs ARE NOT:

  • meal planning services 

  • I will teach you the basics and good practices in making meal planning easier, but I will not plan your meals for you. I’ll also send weekly recipe ideas, but again, you are in charge of your meal planning and I find that is a foundational aspect of lasting change- when you own that!

  • A fad diet- I will never encourage you to incorporate a style of eating that is a current fad. If your doctor or RD has prescribed a way of eating for you, I will come alongside you to help, but I must see a doctor’s note. This is to keep YOU healthy mentally AND physically. 

  • an MLM. I am a certified Nutrition Coach through NASM, I will never encourage you to participate in an MLM or buy something directly from me in the way of supplements, food, etc. 

I’m offering $50 off through January 5th! You can sign up for Nutrition for Newbies here and Mastering Macros here.


Goal Setting Blueprint


One Bad Mother Runner